Most people don’t seem to worry about coming in contact with Raccoon Feces, I wouldn’t take it so lightly. According to a study by (University of Washington, 392 page), Raccoon droppings have been found the be toxic and can seriously injure someone’s health. “Raccoon droppings are crumbly, flat ended, and can contain a number of different food items. The length is 3 to 5 inches, but this is usually broken into segments. The diameter is about the size of the end of your little finger.”
Raccoon latrines are likely to contain roundworm eggs that can be hazardous to human health. A raccoon can pass millions of eggs in its feces every day, depending on how many worms are in its intestines. Once deposited in the environment, the eggs develop into the infectious form in 2-4 weeks, and can survive in the soil for several years.
In some cases, it has been very dangerous to clean up the Raccoon Latrines or Droppings without training.